Veterans & Families Recovery College (Wallsend)
Charity Number: 1164040
Company Number:

Opening Times
Monday – Friday 0900-1700
10 Frank Street
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE28 6RN
The Veterans & Families Recovery College offers mental health support, including one-one counselling sessions. The college also provides addiction support and conducts two SMART Recovery events each week. We can also offer support to veterans who would like to take part in our outdoor therapy activities, including canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, and forestry skills. In addition we have weekly anxiety/arts and crafts/tea & toast groups. We also provide assistance with veterans who need benefits help or completing forms etc. The Recovery College also has an IT suite which may be used free of charge for those who may need to search for jobs or other advice online.
Delivery Partners in support
SSAFA, NHS, Local Authority, CTS