Supporting veterans
in our communities
across the UK


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does ASDIC stand for?
    The Association of ex-Service Drop-In Centres (ASDIC).
  2. What does ASDIC aim to do?
    The ASDIC network aims to link veterans and families’ Drop-Ins together for their mutual benefit and make them more accessible.
  3. How much does it cost to join?
    Membership is free of charge.
  4. Why should I join ASDIC?
    To benefit from being connected with a like-minded group that offer a range of services and support for Veterans. Your Drop-In will also be listed on our directory, and you will receive our Newsletter.
  5. How can I find where Drop-Ins are located?
    The ones that have joined ASDIC are listed on our Directory.  They can also be found on the Veterans Gateway map alongside other local resources.
  6. Do I have to be a registered Charity to join?
    No. Each Drop-In can retain its identity within the context in which it was set up, whether on its own, as an independent charity, CIC or subordinate to a parent organisation (eg NHS, local County Council).
  7. What is the relationship between ASDIC and Veterans Gateway?
    ASDIC is complementary to Veterans Gateway and focuses on the social support offered by the Drop-Ins across the UK and the assistance provided by specialist organisations. ASDIC supplies vital information on its Drop-In members to Veterans Gateway for inclusion on its website and App.

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