Swansea Veterans Hub*

Charity Number:
Company Number:

Opening Times

Saturdays 1000-1200


St Helens Rugby Football Club.
Bryn Road
Brynmill, Swansea SA20AR


Wayne Jenkins

07522 456578





With the support of Ospreys In the Community and Swansea City AFC Foundation, SVH has the use of a room at St Helens RFC. Open every Saturday 10:00-12:00 at St Helens Stadium with a drop-in Hub holding coffee mornings where vulnerable veterans can come together in a non-threatening, comfortable environment, allowing specialist volunteers to identify those most at risk, offer them wellbeing strategies, and signpost them to alternative therapies and treatments.

In addition to these activities, SVH helps raise awareness amongst organisations and the public to the problems affecting veterans with mental health issues and how they can help.

Support available 24hrs a day on 07916227411

Delivery Partners in support

TRBL, NHS, DWP, Citizens Advice Bureau, Local Authority