Crimsham Veterans Hub
Charity Number:
Company Number: 12214848
Opening Times
Crimsham Farm – please call
Charlie Charlie
Monday – Saturday 0830 – 1700
Sunday – 0830 – 1600
Crimsham Farm
Lower Bognor Road
Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO201AZ
Charlie Charlie 1 coffee shop
56 High Street
Bognor Regis
West Sussex
PO21 1SP
Working in liaison with Medical and other Veteran agencies, we aim to provide a service which improves and enhances the lives of military Veterans and their families by –
- assisting with the transition from military life to that on “civvy street”,
- mitigating the devastating effects of military PTSD
- providing an essential, peer specific, social arena
- monthly families breakfast club
We provide a safe and open space which utilises essential Peer support whilst at the same time being able to offer a more tailored, individual therapeutic support and counselling service for those requiring it.