Bridge for Heroes – The Bridge Centre, West Norfolk

Charity Number: 1138136
Company Number: 07096496

Member of Cobseo


Opening Times

Monday-Friday 1000-1600, Saturday 1000-1400 and once a month on Sundays

Nelson Activity Centre in King’s Lynn Monday-Friday 10:00 – 16:00


52a South Clough Lane
King’s Lynn, Norfolk
PE30 1SE

Nelson Activity Centre

North Lynn Industrial Park


Helen Taylor

01553 760230




  • Provide activities and workshops that combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, provide opportunities to share and learn new skills, and/or give a sense of purpose.
  • Provide group sessions on common topics to encourage peer-to-peer support.
  • Provide opportunities to participate in a range of activities that promote positive physical and mental health.
  • Provide refreshments and light meals

Nelson Activity Centre in King’s Lynn focuses on providing a variety of activities for veterans and their families.

Delivery Partners in support

  • TRBL
  • NHS
  • DWP